7 best poker apps to help you play

Even professional poker players occasionally take advantage of outside help in training. For this purpose, special apps have been developed to keep you on track. They help with calculations, notes, refinements, etc. that online casino users struggle with. There are many of them, but 7 can be singled out. Moreover, a substantial portion of the poker assistants are free.
Tally Counter
The application is used in the process of counting the number of hands a user plays in a certain time period. It can also be used to count everything that is quantified at the poker table. The tool provides relative peace of mind during the playing process. It eliminates too much free play when a player puts a significant amount of money in the pot.
A traditional notebook comes in handy for the poker player. The free app allows you to keep a note of everything that goes on in the game. By making notes, it’s easier for a player to keep track of what’s going on at the table, note where mistakes have been made, what’s on the scores, etc. In fact, all the necessary information is stored in a notebook, where you can always look and refresh your memory. The greatest benefit of it for those who play regularly.
Bravo Poker
The app allows you to keep track of the cashes, regardless of the region in which they are played. It provides waiting lists, allowing you to plan your actions when the desire to play a particular game arises. Additionally, through the app, one can find out about the current features of their chosen casino, especially the larger ones. They’re more likely to update their game board.
Poker Income
Keeping track of tournament, as well as cash games, is possible through an application called Poker Income. It features an increased level of security in the form of touch ID verification. The app offers useful tools including filters, sorting, and note taking.

Poker Cruncher Equity Calculator
The Poker Cruncher Equity Calculator helps one compute the numerous numbers coming your way. Its lightning-fast mathematical feedback is impressive, providing decent speed when it comes to analysing your chosen strategy. Thanks to it, you can make a quick decision when you need to make your next move, but lack the confidence to do so. By the way, there are paid and free versions.
Share My Pair
This application is rather aimed at the surrounding society. Its meaning is that a poker player can share his hands with his friends. Of course, if there is no such desire, there is no point in downloading and installing the app. Otherwise, it is considered the best for such purposes.
Primed Mind
Poker implies a sufficiently stable psyche to be able to make cold calculations and accurately observe the behaviour of your opponents. The head should be empty of everyday worries and other things unrelated to the game. The Primed Mind app, which has a range of useful meditations, helps set your mind in the right frame of mind. You can use them not only for poker, but also for other important activities that require the utmost concentration.