The best healthy lifestyle apps

At the moment, many people prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes something is simply forgotten in everyday tasks. And some even do not get to drink a glass of water on time. But now there is a solution, namely the use of special applications on a smartphone.
Almost every person flashes the idea of somehow adhering to a healthy lifestyle, attending workouts, eating right and drinking enough water. But it’s not always possible to keep up with everything, and the problem is not that there is not enough time in the day, the problem is that all this is not always remembered and kept in the head. Sometimes, after a hard day’s work, there is no longer any question of the premises of the hall.
But now there are a lot of useful applications for smartphones that make these processes much easier, and we need to consider the best offers for today.
There is not always a gym near home or work, or there is simply not enough time for a full workout. And in this case, it is worth trying this application, since you can work out with it at home or even in another city, while you can choose the type of training, for example:
- Cardio.
- Strength training.
- Stretching.
- Yoga.
And here there are already worked out training programs that have proven their effectiveness. But if you want to develop your own program, then you can use this option inside the software.
The peculiarity is that each workout is complemented by a high-quality video and a countdown.
Nike Training Club
This is an app for girls where you need to set a goal to start a workout. For example, it could be:
- General tone.
- Strength.
- Slimness.
And depending on this, a whole list of available options will open. Each workout includes a series of exercises, with photo or video instructions.

This software is considered one of the best at the moment. Here, to start training, you must initially fill out a questionnaire, since initially the application collects complete information about the athlete and then forms a suitable plan. For example, the application can make a plan for the norm of water and reminds you to drink a glass of water. And so habits are gradually formed, as the transition from one option to the second is carried out.
My Fitness Pal
Of course, not always the key to success is training. You also need to eat right, so it’s worth watching the calorie content. And this application can be used as a calorie calculator. Of course, the functionality is not limited to this. Based on the constitution of the body, the software makes it possible to track whether the athlete manages to burn everything or not.
Water balance
It has already been said more than once about the importance of drinking water in a certain amount. But even now there are those who, well, want or simply forget to drink water. And it is for this category of people that this application has been developed. There is not only a reminder, but also the ability to determine the required amount per day, and a number of parameters are taken into account:
- The weight of the athlete.
- Activity during the day.
- Age.
- Weather conditions.