Cool smartphone apps to help you keep track of your health

Everyone starts to think about their own health sooner or later. And achieving results requires stability and consistency. And if there is a desire to improve, it is worth enlisting help, and at the moment a great solution is to install special apps. There are many apps on Android that can help you achieve results. That is, a person can use a smartphone to create a workout or nutrition program for themselves, learn about exercise techniques, and so on.
Waterful – a reminder of the need to take water
One of the most important habits is to drink a couple of litres of water every day. But why is that? Well, the thing is that everyone’s lifestyle is different in many ways, so you need to restore your water balance. This app will help you because it collects information about your gender, age and lifestyle in general and then calculates the amount of water you need.
Regardless of whether you are active or sedentary, it will calculate the amount of water you need.
My Fitness Pal calorie counter
The app displays all workout or walking results and your weight loss graph. You can enter training, nutrition and other required information. It is currently one of the most popular apps and many users share their workouts or results.
The results are great for running, as you can see the number of calories spent during the day.

Atmosphere – relaxing sounds
Many people say that a proper diet and a well-designed workout plan are essential to achieve results. But in reality, you also have to take recovery into account. Sleep and rest are almost basic, you have to learn to sleep at a certain time and do everything right. And this program will help with that, as it includes:
- Sounds of nature.
- Animals.
- Calming phenomena and so on.
Fitness Point
If you’re new to the sport, or if you’re someone who wants to change your exercise routine regularly, it’s worth trying out this app. It includes several hundred well-known strength-training exercises aimed at different muscle groups. An animation and instructions complete the descriptions. The advantage is that the work is based on AI, so the software selects the best workout depending on the fitness level of the athlete.
Down Dog
At the moment fitness has become flexible, and you don’t have to kill yourself on a treadmill or with a barbell in the gym to be strong. The advantage of yoga is that you can train almost anywhere. And Down Dog, developed with the help of yoga pros, is a great help. It’s even available online, which is quite handy.